Friday, June 29, 2012

Driver's License!

Forgot to post about it yesterday, but at 12:09 CEST (10:09 UTC) I passed my driving test and from that time I'm allowed to drive a car on public streets/roads.
Considering I took my first driving lesson on April 3 this year I'd say it's not too bad to have gotten the license on June 28. If I had gotten a date for the test sooner I would've been able to get it two weeks ago, but hey, I got it now!
In total I have spent 18530 SEK (that's ~$2680 US, ~£1710 or ~2110 Euro) on this license. That's about twice as much as it cost when I was 18 and "should've" gotten it...
There are two tests you need to pass to get the license. First a "written" test that's done on a computer with multiple choice questions. You need 52/65 correct answers to pass, I got 63/65. Then it's the driving test. What that test contains depends on the instructor. There are 26 different situations that they can choose from and you get to do about 10 to see if you have the skill to actually drive safely. The test takes about 30 minutes and if you're prepared it shouldn't be a problem.
Next goal I need to accomplish: Get a job so I can afford buying a car and fuel.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Failed Venus transit

Ok, so I got up early to try and see the Venus transit from sunrise. As you can see in the photo it was a bit cloudy at the horizon and clear sky above. Actually if the photo had shown more above me it would've shown a completely clear sky above my head. Unfortunately the Sun is not above my head at sunrise. The clouds moved from North to South which meant the Sun was behind the clouds pretty much the whole time. It was also too windy to project the Sun onto a piece of white paper. Excuses, excuses, excuses. Truth is I should've been more prepared and gotten a piece of welder glass or some "eclipse glasses" so I at least could've seen the transit in the gaps between the clouds, but hey, only 105 years until next time. I'm sure I will have been able to prepare for it by then...

Yes I know there are a lot of trees in the way in the photo, but I was on my way back from a big open field (a.k.a. a golf course) when I took it.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

2012 (the movie)

I just watched the movie 2012. Even if I overlook all the made up "science" and faked stuff and bad CGI it wasn't a very good movie. They did get one thing right though. If we ever find ourselves in the situation that we need to evacuate this planet the rich will be the first in line to board the spaceships (or "arks" that stays on the planet). The really important people that know how things actually work in the real world will be left behind and that will be the end of humanity. Now that I think about it, it's not such a bad thing if humanity did exterminate itselves...