Friday, October 19, 2012

Where I lay my head is home?

On Sunday, October 21, I have lived in my current apartment for 5475 days (approx. 15 years). That's one whole day longer than I've lived in any other apartment/house. The weird thing though is that I still don't feel like it's my home.
Even if I would move soon I will not get more than one or perhaps two chances to beat this record. If I can't feel at home after 15 years, how big is the chance that I will find another place where I do feel at home?
I actually hope I can move out really soon. I need to get a job though. That's the biggest problem.

I don't know where I wanted to go with this rant, I just felt so sad that I've lived here longer than anywhere else and can't shake the feeling that I don't belong.