Monday, August 27, 2012

Swedish weekdays

I'm sure this information is available all over the internet but I thought I'd make a post about it anyways. The names of the Swedish weekdays and what they are derived from.
To begin with I should perhaps mention that the Swedish word for 'day' is 'dag'. While we're at it the Swedish word for 'night' is 'natt'. Also the Swedish word for a 24-hour period (usually starting at midnight) is 'dygn'.
On to the weekdays (this is what I learnt when I grew up, I only looked up the spelling of the names in English):
Weekday - Derived from - English description - Simple meaning
Måndag - Måne - 'Måne' means 'Moon' and he was the personification of the Moon in Norse mythology (in English the Norse god is called 'Máni') - Moon's Day
Tisdag - Tyr - 'Tyr' was one of the Norse gods (in English his name is spelt 'Týr') - Týr's Day
Onsdag - Oden - 'Oden' was one of the Norse gods (in English his name is spelt 'Odin') - Odin's Day
Torsdag - Tor - 'Tor' was one of the Norse gods (in English his name is spelt 'Thor') - Thor's Day
Fredag - Freja - 'Freja' was one of the Norse goddesses (in English her name is spelt 'Freyja') - Freyja's Day
Lördag - Löga - 'Löga' is an old word that's not used anymore, but it meant something along the lines of 'to wash oneself' - The Day you wash yourself
Söndag - Sol - 'Sol' means 'Sun' and she was the personification of the Sun in Norse mythology (in English her name is spelt 'Sól') - Sun's Day
So basically we have six days named after Norse gods/goddesses and one day we had to name so we didn't forget to wash ourselves at least once a week.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Weight loss update

One year. One whole year. August 22, 2011. That's how long ago I weighed 113,5 kg (250.2 lbs). Today, August 22, 2012 I weigh 70,6 kg (155.6 lbs) and I feel so much healthier.
It would've been awesome to lose 100 lbs in one year, but 94.6 lbs lost in one year isn't bad. Also my current weight is pretty decent for me. So I probably shouldn't try to lose more. Losing 50 kg would've been a great milestone as well, but if I'd lose that much I would've been unhealthy. I know BMI isn't an exact science, but my BMI has gone from 37,15 to 23,11. If I had lost 100 lbs it would be 22,3 which isn't bad. If I had lost 50 kg it would be 20,78 and that's way too thin for me.
Now after this year has passed I kind of wish that I had taken a photo of myself each day to see the transformation. Oh well, too late for that now.
Next goal: Not gaining the weight back, and also get a job...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My first car

I was going to wait with this post until I had had a chance to take a few photos of the car, but I think that won't happen anytime soon.
On July 30 this year I bought a 2001 Ford Focus stationwagon. All was fine until later that evening when my brother found that the "backup light" (or "reversing lamps" or whatever you want to call the white light at the back of the car that turns on when you put the car in reverse) didn't work. So yesterday we tried changing the light bulb. Still didn't work. We tried changing the fuse. Still didn't work. Now we notice that the "central locking system" didn't work as it should either. If I lock/unlock the passenger side door all four doors lock/unlock as they should, but if I lock/unlock the driver side door I only lock/unlock the driver side door. The remote that's built in to the key doesn't work at all, but I knew that when I bought the car.
So after those two "awesome" findings I thought nothing else could go wrong. Well, think again... Today I got the bill for the vehicle tax. A tax that the previous owner should've paid in April... GREAT!
Well, at least I have a car... That I can't drive, since it's illegal to drive without having working lights, and because having to pay this tax I can't afford any petrol.