Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Another pound-o-dice from Chessex

So I went and bought myself another pound of Chessex dice. Unlike last time I just took one photo and I'm just going to write really quickly what I got and maybe make a short comment or two.
D3 = 1 (the white "D6" with round corners and numbers)
D4 = 3 (one translucent purple)
D6 = 18 (one pipped 20mm, 8 pipped 16mm (two are glittery red), 3 pipped 12mm (one is frosted "white"), and 6 standard sized numbered)
D8 = 4 (all of them the same blue speckled colour)
D10 = 23 (four dark grey speckled, three green speckled with gold numbers, three green/yellow speckled with white numbers, three opaque red with blue numbers, two opaque grey with blue numbers, two purple speckled)
D% = 3 (one has purple speckles and numbers, and match the 7-dice set you get with every pound of dice)
D12 = 6 (two dark blue/light blue speckled)
D20 = 31 (eleven of them are brown with some red speckles, seven are half black and half grey, three are half brown and half black, and two are half grey and half green with gold numbers)
My 7-dice set was white with yellow/orange speckles and green numbers
All in all I got 96 dice in this pound.

Funny thing about this pound of dice was that it weighed 490 grams. 1 pound = 453.59 grams.So that's (if I calculated correctly) 1 pound and 1.28 ounces. I can live with that. Even if I also could live with a bit less brown D20s...

I guess after this I'm set for life. So no more pound of dice for me. Although, if I win a lot of money I could get the 30 pound box of dice I saw on Chessex' website. That would be legendary!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Changed the name of the blog

Since I post more random stuff than actual photo related stuff I decided to change the name of the blog from "Adventures in Photography" to "What's on my mind".