Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Why do we celebrate birthdays?

I've been thinking. We (almost everyone all over the world) celebrate the day we are born. But why do we do that? I really have no good answer.
Usually we celebrate achievements. To quote Dr. Leonard Hofstadter from The Big Bang Theory "being expelled from a birth canal was not considered one". However for some reason we celebrate the day we were born. Every year.
I can understand why people would celebrate on the actual day we are born and give gifts to the parents. Especially the mother of the baby has achieved something great on that specific day. The baby has not. And definitely not something that needs to be celebrated on that day every year.
So why do we do it? Is it a celebration to show that "yay, I survived yet another year in this hostile environment"?
Some people don't like to celebrate their birthday because they don't want to get older, but that's just stupid. You get older all the time. Every second you're one second older than you were the previous second for example. The only way to stop growing older is to die.

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