Friday, February 24, 2012

The Blue Rose

After reading Jen's blog post about literary tattoos, and commented about my tattoo that might or might not qualify as such, I started thinking. I should make a blog post about why I got that tattoo.
When I was younger my little brother had a textbook in school that included an old Chinese folktale called "The Blue Rose". It's a story about love and how you, as some blokes from Liverpool would put it, can't buy love. The story felt like it really meant something to me. So a few years ago I decided it was time to get the tattoo done.
I have since read many different versions of it, but here is the version that was found in that textbook:

The Emperor of China had a daughter.
She was very beautiful.
Many was it who wanted to marry her.
But the Princess said:
-I'll only marry the man who gives me a blue rose.

First came a warrior with a rose made of blue gems.
After that came a rich merchant.
He gave the Princess a china cup.
Painted on the cup was a blue rose.
-Your roses are nice, said the Princess, but they aren't real roses.

Finally a young poet came along.
The Princess fell in love with the poet.
-I want him, she thought.

Together they went to see the Emperor.
-We want to get married, said the poet.
-But where is the blue rose? asked the Emperor.

The poet gave the Princess a white rose.
-Oh, what a beautiful blue rose, she said.
-That's just a regular white rose, the warrior and the merchant shouted.

Then the Emperor said:
-My daughter is very wise. If she says the rose is blue, then it's blue!

The Princess and the poet got married.
They were very happy.

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